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Faculty Quick Start

Move from LATTE to Moodle 4

Beginning with the Fall 2024 semester, Brandeis will move from LATTE to Moodle 4. Please visit our Moodle 4 documentation. LATTE courses will be available through Fall 2024.


Everyone in LATTE has their own personal landing page, referred to as a dashboard. When you sign into LATTE, you are automatically brought to your dashboard. Your current and past courses are displayed in the large central My Courses block organized by semester. Along the left and right sides of the page are additional blocks for support and upcoming deadlines.

To return to your dashboard from within any course, (a) click the Dashboard link in the breadcrumb trail at the top of your course page or (b) click the Dashboard item from the collapsible left-side menu.

How To

Learning Objective: Assist faculty in learning how to use the Dashboard in LATTE

Navigating and Accessing Courses

My Courses

The main area of the dashboard is called My Courses and is organized by semester. The current semester will be listed at the top of the page while past semesters will display below that. Currently, LATTE combines the Spring 1 and Spring 2 sessions into a single Spring category and Fall 1 and Fall 2 into a single Fall category.

Active courses that have been published by the instructor appear in blue. If a course title is black and is marked “Not Visible to Students”, the instructor has not yet made that course available for student access. Only the instructor can publish a course in LATTE.

Clicking on one of your listed courses will take you to that course's homepage. It will open in the same tab rather than in a new tab.

Navigation Block

Navigation block on LATTE dashboard

The Navigation block on the left side of the page is another way to navigate to any courses that you are enrolled  in. This block will list all of your courses in seemingly random order; they are not organized alphabetically or by semester.

Further Information

Customizing Your Dashboard

Your dashboard is unique to you and is customizable. Many blocks on the page are set by the university and cannot be removed. However, you could reorganize your current blocks or add new blocks to make the dashboard the most useful for your own personal preferences.

To start customizing your dashboard, click the Customise this page button in the top right corner of your Dashboard. You must do this in order to see either of the options below.

Screenshot of the dashboard page showing the location of the Customise this page button in the upper right corner

Reorganize Your Blocks

Locate the block you want to move. Click down and hold the arrows icon in the upper right area of the block and drag it to your target location. Single clicking the icon without holding will open a menu of locations to move the block which may be unclear and confusing. 

Add New Blocks

Scroll down your dashboard page until you see Add a Block at the bottom of the left column. This should be the final block in this column and is not visible unless you're customizing the dashboard.

1. Click Add to expand the menu of available blocks. Any blocks that you already have on your dashboard won't be displayed in this list. 

2. Click the name of the block you want to add, wait for the page to refresh and redirect, and the block will be added to your page. You may need to look around your dashboard to locate the block if you don't immediately see it.

3. You can then move it to a new location following the Reorganize Your Blocks instructions above.


Delete Blocks

If you've added a block and don't like or want it, you can delete it. Please note that many blocks are set by the university and cannot be removed. 

  1. Locate the block you want to move.
  2. Click the Actions menu  icon in the upper right corner of the block then click  Delete [name] block.