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Math 40a: Introduction to Applied Mathematics

Just for Fun

Getting Started with Python

One of the easiest ways to get started using python for data analysis is with the Anaconda Distribution. Downloading Anaconda will install python along with many of the most popular data science packages and tools, including Jupyter Notebook. 

Learning Programming Fundamentals in Python

The resources below are some online lessons that focus on learning how to program in python.

Reference E-Books

Learn Python

Applied Math in Python

Troubleshooting Problems

     Can't get your code to run?  Or maybe the output is making you question if the code worked the way you expected? Don't worry! You're probably not the first (or the second or the third...) person to run into this problem.  Stack Overflow is a community message board often used to ask and answer programming questions. If you search your error message or question you may find it has already been asked and answered on the site!

     At some point you'll probably need to ask someone for help with your code (Everyone does!). You'll get your answer faster if you provide some important information like the error message you got, the code that is causing the error (the error usually tells you the line that is causing the problem), what you want the code to do, and what you've already tried to fix the problem. Stack Overflow has some tips on how to ask questions so that you can get the most helpful answers.