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Student Quick Start

Move from LATTE to Moodle 4

Beginning with the Fall 2024 semester, Brandeis will move from LATTE to Moodle 4. Please visit our Moodle 4 documentation. LATTE courses will be available through Fall 2024.

How To

Learning Objective: Learn about the Profile and what can be added to it for your classmates and instructors.


Your LATTE profile contains information about you and is visible to your instructors and classmates. You can change your picture, description/biography, email address visibility, additional contact information, and time zone from your profile.

screenshot of a sample LATTE profile

Edit Your Profile

Click the Edit profile link in the User Details section of your pfofile.

select Edit profile from the User details block


You can adjust the visibility of your email address and update your location from the Brandeis campus default of Waltham, MA. If you would like to add a bio to your profile, enter that into the Description box.

User Picture

You are encouraged to add a photograph of yourself to your LATTE profile. Your photo will then appear next to your name within LATTE forum posts. By including your photo, you will start to get to know your instructors and classmates and recognize them like you would in a face-to-face setting. 

You can upload a new profile image in two ways:

  • Drag and drop a photo file from your computer into the designated area.
  • Click the brown button above the drag and drop area to open the file picker. Choose a file then click Upload this file.

Additional Names and Optional

You may choose to add information to these sections as they apply to you but it's not required.


When you're finished updating your profile and photo, click the Update profile button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

View Your Profile

To view your profile, click your name on the upper right-hand corner of any page then click Profile.

Profile Areas

Profile Picture

In the top left corner of the page, your current profile picture will be displayed. If you haven't yet set a photo, you'll see a generic placeholder. You are encouraged to add a photograph of yourself to your LATTE profile. Your photo will then appear next to your name within LATTE forum posts. By including your photo, you will start to get to know your instructors and classmates and recognize them like you would in a face-to-face setting.

Personal Bio

You may choose to add a brief biography or other information to your profile. This is not required, but is an opportunity to share general information about yourself with any instructor or classmate who views your profile. If you choose to include a bio, it will appear in the white space above the User details and Course details blocks.

User Details

The top block on the left displays your location and email. You can edit your profile to adjust the visibility of this information.


The bottom left area displays any badges that you have earned while at Brandeis. This is primarily used by the university to track completion of the COVID training.

Course Details

The first block on the right side is a list of courses that you are enrolled in.


The Forum posts link will show you all posts you've made across all forums and across all your LATTE courses (including replies to others' posts). The Forum discussions link will show you all discussions you've started across all forums and courses (does not include replies).


The Grades overview link will display your current or final grade (as applicable) in all of your LATTE courses.