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Find Full Text Articles

This guide describes how to access full text articles through Google Scholar, OneSearch, and more

Library OneSearch

Find an Article or Book

You can use Brandeis Library OneSearch to see if we have full-text access to an article or book.

1. Use the link above or go to the library website and enter the title of the article into the Brandeis Library OneSearch box. 

2. The article you're looking for will usually show up in the top few search results. It will either say full text access or no full text. Click on the title to see your options.

a. If it says full text, you will sometimes see multiple publishers/database packages that provide full text, along with the dates of coverage. Choose any of the links that cover the year of the article you're looking for. 

Full text availability options

b. If it says no full text, click on the Request via Interlibrary Loan link. This will allow you to request the article from another library.

Screenshot of no full text available page

Find Journals

You can use OneSearch on the Library website to see if we have access to a particular journal. 

1. Use the link above or go to the library website and enter the title of the article into the Brandeis Library OneSearch box. 

2. For best results, click on Find Journals above the search bar. 

3. Search for the journal you'd like to browse. 

4. If you see the journal listed in the results, click "Online access." 

5. Under the View Online section, you'll see "Full text available at," followed by one or more links to our databases or journal packages. Click on one of these links to access the journal.


6. If the journal you're looking for does not appear in the search results, or if we do not have access for the years you're looking for, you can request articles through Interlibrary Loan.