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Moodle 4.0 Resources for Faculty


Instructors can add readings, instruction documents, and other files to their Moodle courses by selecting "Add an Activity or Resource".


How To Add Files

Step-by-step guide

1. Select Edit Mode in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

2. Select "Add an activity or resource link in the week/topic area of your course outline where you want to add the resource.

Add activity settings in Moodle 4 

3. From the menu that appears, scroll down and select "File" to upload a single file. 

Add activity settings page in Moodle 4

4. Enter a name for the file and a description.

5. Select the File Icon, the box with the arrow, or drag and drop the files from your computer's file menu into the box with the arrow.

File Settings in  Moodle 4

6. From the File picker box that appears, select the "Choose file" button.  Select the file from your computer, Google Drive, or, and select the blue "Upload this file" button. 

Upload a file settings Moodle 4


7. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select "Save and return to the course" button. 

Using Folders

Step-by-step guide

1. Select Edit Mode in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

2. Select "Add an activity or resource" in the week/topic area of your course outline where you want to add the resource.

Add activity settings in Moodle 4 

3. From the menu that appears, scroll down and select "Folder" to upload a single file. 

Add Folder Settings Moodle 4

4. Enter a name for the folder and a description.

5. Select the File Icon, the box with the arrow, or drag and drop the files from your computer's file menu into the box with the arrow.

Add a Folder Settings Moodle 4

6. From the File picker box that appears, select the "Choose file" button.  Select the file from your computer, Google Drive, or, and select the blue "Upload this file" button. 

Upload a file settings Moodle 4

7. To add more than one file to the folder select the file icon and repeat the process from step 6.

Add Files to a Folder in Moodle 4

7. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and select "Save and return to the course" button. 

Embedding a Google Drive into Moodle

<iframe src="" style="width:100%; height:600px; border:0;"></iframe>



Recovering Accidentally deleted materials

If you accidentally remove one or more items from your course, follow these steps to restore your materials:

  1. Check the Recycle Bin: Each course has a Recycle Bin that retains removed items for two weeks before permanent deletion. You can find the Recycle Bin in the Administration Block of your course.
  2. Restore from a Course Backup: Refer to the "Archiving and Reusing Materials" section of this site for instructions on creating Course Backups. ITS recommends that instructors regularly create backups of their courses and store them securely, such as in a Brandeis Google Drive or Brandeis folder. While ITS performs some automatic backups, having your own backups ensures faster recovery and offers additional benefits.
  3. Import from Another Course or Section: If the item exists in another active course site, you can use the Import function to copy it back into your course. Detailed instructions on importing from another course can be found in the "Archiving and Reusing Materials" section of this site.