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Moodle 4.0 Resources for Faculty


Workshop is activity in LATTE that instructors can use to facilitate the collection, allocation, review and peer assessment of students’ work. The workshop activity is divided into five separate phases:

  1. Setup Phase
  2. Submission Phase
  3. Assessment Phase
  4. Grading Evaluation Phase
  5. Close
Workshop Setup Settings. Full Directions Below
Workshop Settings. Full Description of Steps Below

How To

Set the Workshop Description

To set up your first workshop complete the following steps:

  1. In your LATTE class, Turn Editing On. 
  2. Select Add an Activity and select Workshop from the Activity Chooser Menu. 
  3. Edit the Settings of the Workshop(Set the Workshop Description)
  4. Give the Workshop a unique and identifiable name.   In the description box you can enter information such as directions about the workshop.

Workshop Icon in Moodle

Workshop Settings in Moodle

Provide Instructions for Submission

Grading Settings

We recommend careful consideration of the settings you want to use before making the workshop visible to students. 

Workshop Grade Settings Full Description Below

  • Grading Strategy -  This setting lets you determine how student work submitted to the workshop will be assessed.  The following options are available:
    • Accumulative Grading - comments and a grade are given on specific criteria.
    • Comments - comments are given regarding specific aspects but no grade can be given.  Credit is earned by submitting the assignment and completing the peer assessments. 
    • Number of Errors - Comments and a yes/no assessment are given regarding specific assertions.
    • Rubric - a level assessment is given regarding specified criteria. 
The learning designers recommend selecting the comments option.  


  • Grade for Submission - enter the maximum grade students can receive for submitting the assignment
  • Submission Grade to pass - This setting determines the minimum grade to earn a passing grade.  It can be used in coordination with activity and course completion settings, and in the gradebook where pass grades are highlighted in green and fail grades are highlighted in red. 
  • Grade for Assessment - enter the maximum grade that can be earned during the peer assessment portion of the workshop. 
  • Assessment Grade to pass - This determines the minimum grade to earn a passing grade.  It can be used in coordination with activity and course completion settings, and in the gradebook where pass grades are highlighted in green and fail grades are highlighted in red. 

 Workshop Submission Settings, Full Description Below

Submission Settings

  • Instruction for submissions - Enter instructions for students about submitting the assignment.
  • Submission Types - Select how you want students to submit their assignment. Options include allowing online text or file submissions. 
  • Maximum Number of Submission Attachments - select how many attachments students can attach.
  • Submission Attachment Allowed File Types - select what type of file students can attach.
  • Maximum Attachment File Size - the site maximum is 20 MB.  
  • Late Submissions - select to allow late submissions.


Assessment Settings

  • Use this text box to enter directions for the assessment portion of the workshop.  There is also an option to allow students to self assess.


  • Overall feedback mode - If enabled, a text box will appear at the bottom of the assessment form. Reviewers can put their overall assessment of the submission there, or provide additional explanation of their assessment. 
    • Disabled 
    • Enabled and Optional
    • Enabled and Required
  • Maximum number of overall feedback attachments - sets a limit on number of attachments
  • Conclusion - conclusion text is displayed to students at the end of a workshop

Workshop Feedback Settings, Full Description Below

Examples Submissions 

  • Use Examples - If enabled, users can try assessing one or more example submissions and compare their assessment with a reference assessment. The grade is not counted in the grade for the assessment. 

Common Module Settings

  • This is an advanced setting that can be used in coordination with groups and groupings. 

Edit the Assessment Form

To complete the Setup Phase select the link to edit the assessment form.

Setup Phase Settings in Workshop Activity in LATTE


This page allows you to provide guidelines for the Assessment Phase of the workshop. Upon completion select save and close. 
You can enter guiding text for different aspects or grading criteria of the assignment for students to assess and leave feedback about. 

Aspect Settings in Workshop


Any Aspects that you select but leave blank will not appear for students during the assessment phase of the workshop. 

Switch to the next phase

Select the link to Switch the workshop to the submission phase. 

Submission Phase

This phase is divided into the following parts:

  1. Provide instructions for assessment
  2. Allocate submissions
  3. Switch to the next phase 


Provide instructions for the assessment

This step was completed during the Setup PhaseStudent view of Workshop Submission

During this phase the Workshop is open and students can submit their assignments. Students will be able to view the phases of the workshop from their screens and see the directions for the workshop and any directions for the assignment.  They will select the brown Add Submissions button to upload their assignments.


Allocate Submissions

Selecting this link will take you to a screen that provides three options for allocating reviewers to each student submission.

1. Manual Allocation - use this if you want to make all choices on which student reviews another's submission. Although the Visible Groups menu may be used to limit which students you see on the page, you may assign students from different groups to each other's work. You will not be able to assign any students, however, until you get your first submission.Manual Allocation of assignment settings for a Workshop Activity

2. Random Allocation of Submissions -use this if you want allocations handled by Moodle. The following parameters can be adjusted to achieve the desired settings:

  • Number of Reviews: can be used to limit reviews per submission or per reviewer.
  • Prevent reviews by peers from the same group: can be enabled or disabled.
  • Remove current allocations: use if you want Moodle to redo its allocations.
  • Participants can assess without having submitted anything: can be enabled or disabled.
  • Add self-assessments: can be enabled or disabled.

Random Allocation of assignment settings for a Workshop Activity

3. Scheduled Allocation - automatically schedule random allocation at the end of the submission phase. Scheduled Allocation Settings for Workshop

Switch to the next Phase

Select Switch to the next phase. You will see the following message in a pop-up window: You are about to switch the workshop into the Assessment phase. In this phase, reviewers may assess the submissions they have been allocated (within the assessment access control dates, if set).

Moodle Submission Phase settings

Assessment Phase

During this phase students can access other students' assignments and follow the guidelines provided to leave helpful feedback. The Workshop grades report can be used to track what feedback scores students have left for their students(Since the instructor is using only comments and not grades, students earn full credit for reviewing and leaving feedback on two assignments.)  You can select the links to monitor student submissions and peer feedback that is given and received by selecting the blue links under each column.

Workshop Assessment Grades

Switch to the next phase

When you are ready, select the link to switch the workshop to the Grading Evaluation Phase.

Assessment Phase settings

Grading Evaluation PhaseGrade Evaluation Phase settings



Calculate Submission grades

Workshop Grade Calculations

Provide feedback for the author

The Workshop will automatically calculate a grade for students when they submit the assignment. You can select the link to the student submission to view their work and leave comments and feedback for the author. If the submission is unique or impeccable and you want everyone in the class to view it you can select the option to Publish submission. You can also override and manually adjust the grade students receive for submitting an assignment.

Workshop Feedback for Author

Feedback for the reviewer

Selecting the links under the categories for Grades received or Grades given allows the instructor to view and assess the peer feedback that each student is receiving and leaving.

Workshop Settings for Grading Phase

The Grades are automatically calculated by the Workshop tool, but there are options to override the auto calculated score and leave comments and feedback for the peer feedback portion of the workshop.

Workshop Settings to leave feedback for a student

Calculate Assessment grades

This step can get complicated depending upon the type of peer assessment you are having students do.  Since we chose comments only, students earned the full potential points for this assignment by submitting their assignment(Submission grades) and for leaving feedback on two other students’ assignments(Assessment grades). 

Under Grading Evaluation settings there is a setting, Comparison of assessments, in which the teacher can adjust the strictness level that compares and combines the assessment scores together.  This plays a greater role when incorporating scoring in the workshop, especially if there are numerous reviewers. Grade Calculation Settings for Workshop in Activity

Selecting the brown button to calculate grades will assign grades to students.

Grading Settings for Submissions and Reviewers in Workshop


Provide a Conclusion of the Activity

The next step is to select Switch to the Next Phase which will close the workshop and make the grades and more importantly, the feedback available to students.  The conclusion statement you entered when creating the document will now show for you and for the students.

Grade evaluation phase settings


Students will see the conclusion statement that you created during the Setup phase. Students will also view their grades for submitting the assignments and their grade for the assessments they completed. 

Workshop Closed Screen Settings for Students
By selecting the link to their submission, students can see the feedback that has been left for them by other students. 

Workshop Closed Screen Settings for Students

Workshop Closed Phase Student Feedback and Grades
The feedback is anonymous meaning that students know which papers they left feedback for, but they don’t know who left feedback on their paper.

External Resources