One of the main changes in Moodle 4 is that many settings and views are now located in a dropdown menu. To access the settings described here, first select the Grades tab from the main course page. On the next page, use the dropdown menu next to Grader Report to choose the Gradebook view or setting you wish to work with.
The Grader Report in Moodle is the default view when selecting the "Grades" tab in a course, providing instructors with an overview of the class’s performance across all graded activities. It is a central hub for managing and reviewing grades, offering a clear snapshot of student progress.
Toggle the Edit Mode switch to on or off to change the view.
Grades can be entered into the Grader Report when Edit Mode is selected.
In the Grader Report in Moodle, instructors can choose between several display options to customize how grades are shown:
Full View: This is the default view that displays all grade items, including individual grades for each activity, category totals, and the course total for each student. It provides a comprehensive look at both individual grades and cumulative totals.
Grades Only View: This view focuses solely on the grades for each activity. It hides category and course totals, simplifying the display to show only the grades that students received on each individual item.
Totals Only View: This option displays only the overall totals for each category and the course total, omitting individual grades for specific activities. It provides a streamlined view for instructors interested in summary totals rather than detailed breakdowns
These settings allow you to adjust how both you and the students view the gradebook.
Access these settings by selecting the Grades tab from the course home page and then selecting Course grade settings from the drop down menu.
Grade Display type allows you to customize how grades are displayed in the gradebook.
This option allows you to choose how grades are shown to students: as Real, Percentage, or Letter grades.
For example, if an assignment is worth 25 points and a student earns 20, here’s how it would appear based on your selected display type:
These settings control what students see when they view the gradebook.
Most default settings are fine and don’t need to be changed. However, the option Hide totals if they contain hidden items can cause issues. If you have any hidden items or categories, students will not be able to see their overall grade in the course. We recommend changing this setting to Show totals to avoid confusion.
Single View Grading is a tool in Moodle that helps instructors look at grades for one student or one assignment at a time. This tool is useful when you need to quickly review or change grades without going through the entire gradebook. Single View gives you a simple way to focus on specific students or specific assignments.
Easy Grade Changes: Single View allows you to see one student's grades for all assignments or one assignment's grades for all students. This makes it simple to update grades for individual students or tasks, without the need to go through the entire gradebook.
Quick Fixes: If you find a mistake or need to update a grade, Single View helps you make corrections quickly. You can focus on just one grade or one student, saving time and avoiding confusion.
Grade Overrides: Single View allows you to manually override grades when needed, such as for extra credit or special circumstances.
Warning: When you override a grade in Single View, the connection between the gradebook and the original assignment on the course homepage is broken. This means that any further changes made in the assignment (such as regrading or late submissions) will no longer automatically update in the gradebook. You will need to manage these grades manually if you choose to override them.
Handling Missing Grades: If a grade is missing or incomplete, Single View helps you find and fix it quickly. You can enter grades for one student or multiple students without having to search through the entire gradebook.
Targeted Feedback: Single View also lets you leave personalized feedback on specific assignments or grades, making it easy to provide comments for individual students.
1. Select Grades from the Course Menu.
2. Next, select Single View from the drop-down menu.
3. Finally, select Grade Items from the View by options.
Warning: When you override a grade in Single View, the connection between the gradebook and the original assignment on the course homepage is broken. This means that any further changes made in the assignment (such as regrading or late submissions) will no longer automatically update in the gradebook. You will need to manage these grades manually if you choose to override them.
4. Next, select the grade item to be graded.
5. When Edit Mode is on, grades and feedback can entered in Single view.
6. Enter grades and feedback for manually graded items.
Note: Feedback shows up in the user report and students’ grade reports.
7. Save changes.
Overrides in the Single View of Moodle's Gradebook allow instructors to manually adjust or lock individual grades for a specific student or activity. This feature is especially useful when you need to make corrections, provide custom grades, or ensure that certain grades remain unchanged after manual adjustment.
Important Note: Once a grade is overridden, Moodle will no longer update it automatically based on the student’s performance in the associated activity unless the override is removed.
Selecting the checkbox under the Override column will allow a grader to edit the Grade and Feedback.
Another option is the select the drop down menu for Actions, and select Override All.
The Exclude setting in the Single View of Moodle's Gradebook allows instructors to exempt specific students from a particular graded activity. When you select the "exclude" option for a student’s grade, that activity is not factored into their overall course grade.
In Single View, select the grade item( the assignment or quiz) that you want to work with.
Check the Exclude checkbox next to the grade you want to exclude.
You can also select Exclude All from the drop down menu Actions.
Bulk Insert Grades is a feature in Moodle's Gradebook that allows instructors to quickly assign the same grade to multiple students at once. This is useful when a large group of students needs to receive the same grade for a specific activity, such as participation, attendance, or when grading an assignment uniformly.
You can access the Bulk Insert Grades option through the Action drop down menu while in Single View.
Graders have the option of Bulk Inserting for All Grades or Empty Grades.
Are you curious about what students see in the Moodle Gradebook? The User Report feature allows you to view grades from a student’s perspective. This tool is helpful for verifying that grades are aggregating as expected and can help reduce student confusion or questions about their grades. You can customize what students see on this page by adjusting the settings on the Course Grade Settings page.
Access these settings by selecting the Grades tab from the course home page and then selecting User Report from the drop down menu.
By default, the User Report in Moodle displays detailed grade information to students, including percentages, grade ranges, contribution to course totals, and assignment weights. You can customize these settings on the Course Grade Settings page to adjust what information students see, helping ensure clarity and reducing potential questions about their grades.