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Instructors use assignment activities in a Moodle course to collect submissions electronically for a given assignment.  Your course may have multiple assignment activities. 

Accessing Assignments in Moodle 4

Accessing Assignments

Each assignment uses the same the same icon:

Assignment Icon





You can find your assignments posted in different weekly topics.  Select the link to open the assignment. 

Assignment Settings in Moodle


Another way to access your assignments is to look at the class calendar.  Assignments with due dates will appear here. 

Assignment Calendar in Moodle

Activities Block

Another way to access your assignments is to view the Activities Block in a course.  It is usually in the right hand block drawer at the bottom. 

Activities Block in Moodle

Selecting the Assignments link will show you all the assignments that are visible to students. 

Assignments in Moodle


Submitting Assignments

1. Click on the name of the assignment. 

Assignment Access in Moodle

2. Scroll down and select Add Submission. 

Add a submission in Moodle

3. Many of your classes will ask you to upload a file.  Drag and drop the file into the upload area or select the folder icon to upload an assignment. 

Upload a File to Moodle

4. Select Save changes.

Submit a assignment in Moodle

5. Depending upon the settings of the assignment you may be asked to select another Submit assignment button. 


Assignment File Types and Submissions

Only upload the file type requested by your instructor. 

Moodle allows file uploads from a computer up to 60 MB. If a file is larger than 60 MB, first upload it to Box or Google, then add it to Moodle from there.

Using Echo360 to Submit a Media file

Using Echo360 for Media Submissions in Moodle

When uploading any video or audio file for a course in Moodle, use Echo360. Echo360 is the preferred platform because it ensures your files are compatible, accessible, and viewable for your instructors and classmates across all devices. Whether it’s for a presentation, a language practice assignment, or a reflective journal, Echo360 optimizes the process—avoiding file compatibility issues and ensuring smoother playback within Moodle. By using Echo360, you’re also helping keep Moodle organized, making it easier for instructors to access and assess your work.

1. Open the assignment that requires a video submission. 

2. Select the Blu Button from the text editor toolbar.

Embed Echo360 Plugin from Moodle Text Editor

3. On the next screen you have options.  Note: Selecting the Upload Content Option only uploads the media to Echo360.  After uploading the video, select Choose existing Content to embed the video in the online text submission box. 

Echo360 Embed Options in Moodle

4. Once you verify the link to the video is embedded, you can submit the assignment in Moodle. 

Student View of Embedded Echo360 Link in Moodle