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Guide to Neuroscience Research

This research guide highlights the best places to look for Neuroscience articles, books, and more. The guide also includes tips for searching the literature more effectively and ways to get help with research, writing, and citations.


What would you like to do?

Get help!

  • Drop-in: Stop by our Research Help Desk on Goldfarb 1. Our hours are Monday- Thursday, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Friday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Consultation: Schedule a research consultation with a subject librarian or specialist; consultations can be offered in person or online via Zoom.
  • Email:
  • Chat: Use the "Chat with a Librarian" button on any of the Research pages to chat with a librarian during service hours.
  • Phone: 781-736-4627

Guide for Senior Thesis Writers

Writing a senior thesis or doing senior research? Check out the library's Guide for Undergraduate Thesis Writers. The guide describes how to:

  • Find examples of other students' theses (which can help you envision what your finished product will look like)
  • Submit your thesis to the Brandeis library