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AAAS 131A: African Americans and Health

Recommended resources and strategies in Professor Wangui Mugai's class, AAAS 131A: African Americans and Health

Search Tips for HistoryMakers

HistoryMakers uses special characters to allow for advanced searching. 

  • Typing two keywords into a search box will retrieve oral histories that include both of these keywords.

    • Example: A search for segregated hospitals will retrieve oral histories that include both of these keywords.

  • Using quotes around a phrase allows you to search for the exact phrase 

    • Example: A search for "segregated hospitals" will retrieve oral histories that mention this specific two-word phrase (in this case, the name of the hospital where Dr. John Coleman worked). 

  • The “pipe” or vertical bar symbol allows you to search for oral histories that include one or both words in your search

    • Example: A search for physician | doctor retrieves all oral histories that mention the word physician or the word doctor (or both words)

    • In many databases, the Boolean operator OR works the same way that the “pipe” or vertical bar symbol works in HistoryMakers.

  • Use the asterisk * as a wildcard to search for all forms of a word.

    • Example: A search for integrat* retrieves oral histories containing words beginning with integrat, such as integration, integrate, and integrated

  • Use the minus sign - before a keyword term to negate or not search the term

  • Example: A search for polio -vaccine retrieves oral histories that mention polio, and do not mention vaccine 

Bring it all together: The following search 

  • medic* "Howard University" + (physician | doctor)

would retrieve oral histories about medicine that mention Howard University and either the term physician or doctor could issue: