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*German Studies, Language and Literature

This guide provides an overview of resources in the fields of Germanic studies, language and literature.

Brandeis Library OneSearch

Finding Books, Journals, and Videos: Brandeis Library OneSearch

The Library Catalog option in OneSearch is the principal means for locating books, journals, and videos in the library collections.

Use the keywords german or germany (or austrian/austria, swiss/switzerland)

  • Use Advanced Search to locate items by title or author that you already know.
  • Use Simple Search (default) to discover potentially useful material, combining keywords or subject terms. OneSearch also lets you explore your subject -- use the headings in the left margin to narrow your search according to specific criteria.

Finding Books Located in Other Libraries


  • A combined (union) catalog for most of the libraries in the United States and many foreign libraries as well.
  • The best way to find books and journals not at Brandeis. 
  • Once you have located your item in WorldCat, use the Interlibrary Loan Form in OneSearch to request it from another library.

Finding Books in the Library

  • Browse the virtual shelves in Language and Literature (scroll down and click on Subclass PT for German literature; materials on Germanic languages fall under Subclass PD)
  • Book checked out by someone else? Have it recalled for your use.