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Introduction to Scopus

This guide will introduce the basic features of Scopus.

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Search Scopus

Use Scopus to search for:

  • Documents (papers, conference proceedings, etc.)
  • Authors
  • Organizations (colleges & universities, research centers, etc.)

Scopus provides help documentation that details how to search for each of these.  See "How do I search in Scopus?" or check out their help videos, linked on this guide.

What's Different about Scopus?

There are a few things about searching in Scopus that are different from searching in other databases.

Adjusting a Search

When you want to adjust a search that you've already run in Scopus, you need to click the "Edit" button in the top left corner of the screen. If you type into the search box on the search results screen, it will search within your results, rather than running a new search.

Search screen

Narrowing Your Search

When you use the Refine Results checkboxes on the left side of the screen to narrow your results, you have the option to include only the criteria you've selected (limit to) or to exclude the criteria.

For example, If you check "Open access" and click "Limit to," you'll see only open access articles in your search results. If you click "Exclude," you'll remove open access articles from your results list.