Library staff is available to support faculty with pedagogical approaches for using academic technologies and course design. Send us an email with your questions.
Beginning with the Fall 2024 semester, Brandeis will move from LATTE to Moodle 4. Please visit our Moodle 4 documentation. LATTE courses will be available through Fall 2024.
Private Forums are forums where students are in a group by themselves and they cannot see other student posts in other groups.
In the LATTE Administration block on the left side of the page, select Users and you will have the option to select groups.
Select the Groups link. This will take you to the Groups page.
Select the brown auto-create groups button.
Add Students to a Group
Create a naming scheme for the groups.
Change the setting for Auto Create Based on to Members Per Group.
Set the number of group members to 1
Group messaging: if enabled the student and the instructor can also send messages via the messaging drawer in LATTE
Skip over Group Members settings when creating a private forum.
In the Grouping Setting, select New Grouping. Type in a name for the Grouping for the Private Forum.
Select Submit to create the groups.
Set up groups according to the instructions above. Each group should contain one student. Do this before adjusting the settings of the forum itself.
Edit the settings of the Private Forum activity. Scroll down to the Common module settings section and expand it.
Change the Group mode to Separate groups
If you would like assistance or support with setting up groups, groupings, or Private Forums please contact us at