Important Information about EBSCO Audiobooks:
- EBSCO Audiobooks can ONLY be played via the EBSCO Audiobooks App on your Apple or Android device. There is no way to play them from the EBSCO website or on a laptop/desktop computer. More information on downloading the app and audiobooks.
- Audiobooks are checked out for 1 day. You cannot return an audiobook early and you cannot renew your check out. You will need to check it out again to continue listening.
How to access EBSCO Audiobooks:
- Search for a particular audiobook in OneSearch or visit EBSCO Audiobooks to see a list of available titles.
- Click Borrow to check out an audiobook. If you are not already signed in, sign in to your My EBSCOhost account with your personal user ID and password (this is not the same as your Brandeis username and password).
- Audiobooks are checked out for 1 day. You cannot return an audiobook early and you cannot renew your check out.
- Once you've borrowed the book, you can download and/or listen to it using the EBSCO Audiobooks App on your Apple or Andriod device. Please note: EBSCO Audiobooks can ONLY be played via the EBSCO Audiobooks App on your Apple or Android device. There is no way to play them from the EBSCO website or on a laptop/desktop computer. More information on downloading the app and audiobooks.
- Install the app on your device.
- Open the app and click Log In. You'll be directed to a Sign In page in your browser. Click the link that says Single Sign-On Login near the bottom of the page.

- Choose "Open Athens Federation" from the Select your region or group dropdown menu.

- Scroll down and click on Brandeis University. Log in with your Brandeis credentials.

- Your borrowed audiobook titles are displayed on the All books tab in the app. Tap an audiobook to access the Details screen.
- Tap the Download button to save the audiobook to your device to listen offline or tap the Play button to stream the audiobook over your device's data connection.
- You'll have access to the audiobook for 1 day and then the loan will expire. You will need to check it out again to continue listening.