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Lectures and Presentations

A guide to Brandeis technology for online lectures and presentations.

Move from LATTE to Moodle 4

Beginning with the Fall 2024 semester, Brandeis will move from LATTE to Moodle 4. Please visit our Moodle 4 documentation. LATTE courses will be available through Fall 2024.


Echo360 is a platform to manage, store, and share digital media. Within Echo 360, you can upload any media from your computer to your personal library, edit or crop videos, and embed polls directly into a video. There is built-in analytics to measure individual and overall class engagement with the content. Echo360 also includes automatic transcription, which you can edit before sharing. 

Echo360 has three main use cases on campus: 

1. Classroom Recording 

2. Personal Library

3. Embedding videos in LATTE 

IMPORTANT: Sharing videos via Echo360 is preferable to sharing a Zoom recording link because it will not expire within Zoom's 180 day limit.

Echo360 is also connected to LATTE, to easily embed a class recording or lecture. 

Echo360 Polling

To get started with Polling in Echo360 please visit the guide created by Brandeis' Center for Teaching and Learning.

Echo360 Account

Echo360 accounts are available to all faculty, students and staff. Accounts are automatically created when a video is viewed on LATTE or when a video is posted to LATTE via the Echo360 activity toolbar button.

If you have trouble accessing your account, or need to request an account to be created manually, please email

Once you have an account, you can log in by visiting and clicking on the Echo360 icon OR by visiting and use your Brandeis Unet email address to log in.

Classroom Recording

Brandeis has Echo360 cameras installed in many physical classrooms around campus for automatic lecture recording. The physical Echo360 cameras can record both what is on the classroom projector as well as a video camera, or just one view. The course instructor can request one or both views to be automatically recorded for the semester. 

Many classrooms come equipped with auto-tracking cameras that have the ability to zoom in on the presenter at the front of the room and follow them as they move. This is especially useful for recording lectures that include board writing. The list of classrooms with 360 cameras can be found at the bottom of this page.

Instructors can request their class to be automatically recorded by contacting Media and Technology Services. The benefit of lecture capture through Echo360 is that a link can be posted on the class LATTE page that will aggregate all of the recordings in one place.

Personal Library

Echo360 directly connects with your Zoom account. If you are logged into your Brandeis Zoom account, and save a recording to the cloud, the recording will automatically appear in your Brandeis Echo360 personal library. 

You can access your personal library by visiting and clicking on the Echo360 icon OR by visiting and use your Brandeis Unet email address to log in.

Embedding Videos in LATTE

Students and faculty can easily embed videos within LATTE any place there is access to the text editor! This could be in a course announcement, discussion forum, or text-based assignment.  

1. Click the Echo360 button located on the top left-hand section of the LATTE text editor. 

Echo360 button in the LATTE text editor

2. The Echo360 tool will launch in a new window. You will be prompted to select from the following: 

  • Choose From My Home
  • Create New Media 
  • Upload Existing Media

If you select Choose From My Home, you will be prompted to select a video from your Echo360 personal library. Your library will include your Zoom recordings as well as items uploaded to Echo360 directly: 

Choose from my home


If you select Create New Media, it will launch the Echo360 Universal Capture Software to create a recording that will automatically be saved in your Echo360 personal library. 

Create New Media

If you select Upload Existing Media, you can upload a video directly to Echo360 from your computer to be posted on LATTE. 

Upload existing media

External Resources

Classrooms Enabled with Automatic Lecture Capture

The Echo360 automated lecture capture system is installed in select classrooms on campus and allows for sessions to be scheduled for automatic recording. These recordings have the ability to incorporate both content (anything that comes out of the projector) as well as video (via a video camera installed in the room) or just one or the other.

Classrooms that are equipped with automated capture systems include:

  • Abelson 126 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Abelson 131 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • 60 Turner St. - BOLLI Purple Room
  • Gerstenzang 121
  • Gerstenzang 122 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Gerstenzang 123 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Gerstenzang 124 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Golding 101 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Golding 109 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Golding 110 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Goldsmith 300 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Goldsmith 317 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • IBS Lemberg 180 Lee Hall (auto-tracking camera)*
  • IBS Sachar 116 International Hall
  • IBS Lemberg 54
  • IBS Lemberg 55
  • Kutz 130 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Kutz 132 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Lown 002 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Lown 201 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Lown 203 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Mandel G3 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Mandel G10 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Mandel G11 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Mandel G12 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Olin-Sang 101 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Olin-Sang 104 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Pollack 001 (Auditorium) (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Rosenstiel 118 (auto-tracking camera)*
  • Schwartz 112 (Auditorium)
  • Schwartz 103 (Seminar room)
  • Shapiro Science Center LL16
  • Shapiro Science Center GL14
  • Volen 119 (auto-tracking camera)*

*Auto-tracking cameras have the ability to zoom in on the presenter at the front of the room and follow them as they move. This is especially useful for recording lectures that include board writing.