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Moodle 4.0 Resources for Faculty


This guide outlines the various methods of communication available to all enrolled users in the course.

Effective communication is essential for students to connect with their instructors and peers regarding assigned coursework.

Moodle offers a variety of communication options, including News and Announcements, Private Forums, Moodle Messaging, and 1:1 Appointments.

News and Announcements

How do you communicate to all of your students in your Moodle course at once? Use the News & Announcements Forum! 

The News & Announcements forum is a special forum that acts as an announcements tool for your course. Only instructors and TAs can post to News & Announcements forum, and by default, posts made to News and Announcements are emailed to class members. Students cannot leave replies to the posts; it is a one-way tool.

Note: You can easily change the name of the News & Announcements forum name: Turn editing on ("Turn Editing On" button located near the top, right of the course page) and click the Edit title icon () for the forum. Type in a new name, then press Enter/Return.

Note: The course must be visible to students in order for messages to be sent to their email addresses.

  1. From your Moodle dashboard, navigate to the course shell you'd like to make an announcement post in. 
    New & Announcements Icon in Moodle 4
  2. Click on the "News & Announcements Forum" 
  3. Click on "Add discussion topic"
    News & Announcements Forum in Moodle
  4. Enter the "Subject" and "Message".
    Announcements Forum Settings in Moodle
  5. Click the "Advanced" button to expand some additional settings.
    Announcements forum settings in Moodle
  6. You have the option to add attachments if you'd like. 

  • Checking the "pinned" checkbox will pin the post to the top of the forum, regardless of future posts made. 
  • There is a site-wide editing-time delay or 30 minutes. This allows a post to be editing before an email notification is sent to students. If you'd like to have the email notification sent immediately upon posting to form, check the checkbox for "Send forum post notifications with no editing-time delay"

       7.  Select the start and end date that your message will be visible. Before you set the date and time, check the "Enable" checkbox next to the              date you'd like to set.

           Note: If your message has no timing restrictions, you do not need to set a start and end date. 

Announcements Settings in Moodle

      8.  Once configuration is complete, click "Post to forum".

Moodle Messaging

Moodle Messaging is an integrated feature that allows users to communicate within the Moodle platform. It facilitates direct, real-time messaging between students, instructors, and other enrolled users. Moodle Messaging supports both individual and group conversations, making it a versatile tool for academic discussions, quick questions, and collaborative work. Users can access their messages through the Moodle interface, ensuring seamless communication without needing to leave the platform. Additionally, Moodle Messaging includes notifications to keep users informed of new messages, promoting timely and efficient communication.

Moodle has user-to-user messaging! 

Here is how to use it. 

1. Open your course. Select the Participants link beneath the course title. 

2.  Select all the students you want to message from the participants list and scroll to the bottom of the page.  

3. Select the drop down box next to With selected users and choose message.

4. Type message in box and select Send message. 

Messaging users in a Moodle Course

5. If you would like to allow students to message you back through this system, set your Privacy settings to My contacts and anyone in my courses

Messaging Preferences in Moodle

Appointment Schedules in Google Calendar

With appointment schedules, you can:

  • Create and share booking pages so people can book time with you.
  • View booked appointments alongside your schedule in Google Calendar.

Share a link to your Appointment Schedule 

1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
2. On your Calendar grid, click the appointment schedule.

Google Calendar Appointment Booking Settings
3. To share the link, next to “Open booking page,” click Share Share.
4. Under “Link,” select an option:
To share a link for all services on your calendar, click All appointment schedules.
To share a link for a specific service on your calendar, click A single booking page. 
5. Click Copy link and then Done. 

Google Appointment Settings copy link

6.  In your Moodle course, turn Edit Mode on and select "Add an activity or resource" in the topic where you would like to add the link to sign up for an appointment. 

7. Select URL from the activity chooser. 

URL link in Moodle 4

8. Enter a Name for the link and paste the link you copied in Step 5 into the External URL box. 

Moodle URL Settings

9. Select the blue Save and return to course button at the bottom of the screen. 

Moodle Save Settings for URL Activity

Moodle Url Link to Office Hours