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FA 173B: Art in Shanghai

Course guide created for Professor Aida Yuen Wong by Lisa Zeidenberg, Creative Arts Librarian

Boolean Logic


Finding Books, Journals, and Videos: Searching the Library Catalog

Use Brandeis Library OneSearch to search the online catalog of the Brandeis Library. Choose Library Catalog from the drop-down menu options to search for books, journals, and videos in the library collections.

  • If you have already identified the book(s) you need, you can use the Advanced Search to search the Library Catalog by Title or by Author to locate the item(s) in the library.

  • If you are trying to identify books that will be useful for your research, search the Library Catalog by keyword, and use the Subjects listed in the left margin to find related materials.

Search Tips

  • Remember to enclose search phrases in quotes:

"long museum"

This ensures that the database will return results that include the entire phrase

"long museum"

rather than records that contain both of these words, but not your search phrase:

records that include the word long and the word museum but not the phrase "long museum"

Doing this will help you avoid sifting through irrelevant results.

  • To search for more than one variant of a term, use truncation:

collect* will search for

collection, collections, collector, and collectors

The database searches for any word that begins with the letters that precede the truncation symbol (in this case, an asterisk). Some databases use other symbols, such as a question mark, for truncation.

  • If you want to broaden a search, you can revise it by including your original term with a related term in an "or" search:

ex. "tian zi fang" OR tianzifang

See the box on Boolean Logic for more about this search technique.

Finding Books Located in Other Libraries


  • A combined (union) catalog for most of the libraries in the United States and many foreign libraries as well.
  • The best way to find books and journals not at Brandeis. 
  • You can request ILL (interlibrary loan) directly from a WorldCat record by clicking on the "Request Item" button. For more about interlibrary loan, click here.

If It's Not at the Library