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Religious Studies

Brandeis Library OneSearch

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The Library Catalog is the principal means for locating books, journals, and videos in the library collections. OneSearch can be useful for this purpose at two levels of your research. If you have already identified the book(s) you need through other research aids, search OneSearch Library Catalog by Title or by Author to locate the item(s) in the library. If you are trying to identify books that will be useful for your research, search OneSearch Library Catalog by Keyword or Subject.

The Articles & More option searches across many of our subscription academic databases to find individual articles from journals, newspapers, magazines, HathiTrust and Project Gutenberg titles, and more.

The All OneSearch option finds items across multiple academic databases, the library catalog, and other academic resources. It gives you an overview of research on a topic. 

Note: There are some library databases that aren't searchable in OneSearch. Users can still explore these databases via our library database list. For a list of databases not included in OneSearch, check out our OneSearch FAQ page.

Database Spotlight

ATLA Religion Database is compiled by the American Theological Library Association, ATLA covers Biblical   studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues. This database is an essential resource for theology students and researchers seeking information pertaining to social sciences, history and humanities. With coverage dating as far back as 1949, this database contains over one million bibliographic records.