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Library Resources & Services for Undergraduates Doing Fellowships

Welcome to the library guide for undergraduate students who are doing academic fellowships. The guide includes recommended resources and tips for effective research.

Search Tips

Before you begin searching for articles, ask yourself:

  • Who would write about this topic? Scholars or researchers in a particular subject area? (i.e. psychologists, sociologists, literary scholars?) Journalists?
  • Where would they publish? Academic journals? Newspapers and popular magazines?

Your answers to these questions will help you decide where to search for articles.

Brainstorm keywords and search terms. Use subject headings or descriptors to help generate search terms.

When you find a good article, look at its References or Works Cited list. That will often lead you to other useful sources.

If you see an article you'd like to read but you don't see the full text, click on the  "Brandeis Access" button. This will open a new window that will allow you to see if Brandeis has access to the article through another database or in print. If we don't have the article online or in print, you'll see an option to request the article through Interlibrary Loan

Recommended Databases

For a broad search, start with the Articles & More tab of the Library's OneSearch. This searches across many of our subscription academic databases to find individual articles from journals, newspapers, magazines, and more.

For a more focused searched, try one of these recommended databases (To access the complete selection of databases at Brandeis, visit our library database list.):


Interlibrary Loan

Need to place an interlibrary loan (ILL) request for an article?