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AMST/MUS 39B: Protest Through Song: Music That Shaped America

Course guide created for Paula Musegades by Lisa Zeidenberg, Academic Outreach Librarian for Creative Arts, and Laura Hibbler, Manager of Library Instruction

If it's not at the library


Finding Books, Journals, and Videos: Searching the Library Catalog

Use Brandeis Library OneSearch to search the online catalog of the Brandeis Library. Choose the Library Catalog option to search for books, journals, and videos in the library collections.

  • If you have already identified the book(s) you need, you can use the Advanced Search to search by Title or by Author to locate the item(s) in the library.

  • If you are trying to identify books that will be useful for your research, search by keyword, and use the Subjects listed in the left margin to identify relevant materials. Clicking on the subject headings listed under item records will expand your results to the entire catalog.