Includes superseded state statutes for all fifty states. Search the statutes by state, date, description and text. From 1717. Please note: this does not include current legislation.
Direct link to Lexis Nexis sources. . Narrow your search using Advanced Options, or change the Lexis Nexis product by using the Search by Content Type box. UNet login required.
Contains the most comprehensive set of declassified government documents available. The resource now includes 44 collections consisting of over 104,000 meticulously indexed documents, with more than 733,000 total pages. UNet login required.
Collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world, including government information sources. Choose Brandeis from the drop down list of partner schools. UNet login required.
Includes all federal cases. Coverage for state cases is excellent but not comprehensive.
Landmark Briefs and Arguments of the United States: Constitutional Law. Vol. 1 (1793) to the present.
The actual briefs presented and oral arguments for one or two significant cases of each year brought before the Supreme Court. No other standard law book provides this material, but rather publishes only the decisions.