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Welcome to a selective guide to the fundamental and essential resources necessary for undertaking undergraduate and graduate research in music and music-related topics. (Originally compiled by Darwin Scott)

Find journals on jazz and popular music

To find jazz periodicals at Brandeis, use the Library Catalog Advanced Search page. Type jazz into the search box, choose "Subject contains," and choose Material Type: "Journals."   

To find popular music periodicals at Brandeis, use the Library Catalog Advanced Search page. Type "popular music" into the search box,choose "Subject contains," and choose Material Type: "Journals."  

Find Journals and Databases

Music databases

Interdisciplinary databases with relevant content

These interdisciplinary databases often point to significant research and writings on the intersection of music with other disciplines. These articles and reviews are often uncited in RILM or the Music Index because their host periodicals are not immediately connected with music.

Other useful cross-disciplinary databases

Women's studies database