Archives and Special Collections can help you with your research by giving you access to primary sources like you've never seen before. Original copies of Dickens, Shakespeare, photographs, manuscripts, papyrus, and everything in between. By using these original items you can gain an understanding you might not otherwise be able to learn.
Contact our Archives and Special Collections reference specialist (information on the left of this page) to learn more information about what items we have that can help you in your research.
Welcome to the subject index for University Archives & Special Collections at Brandeis University. From this page, you can browse collections in your area of interest and find more information on those collections by clicking on the links.
This list represents a cross-section of materials from University Archives, Special Collections, and Judaica. Please note that not all collections are listed here; more collections will be added regularly. Also, keep in mind that categories are subjective, as many of the collections are interdisciplinary by nature.
Click on the "Materials by Subject" tab to get started, and then choose from the quick links menu on the left side of the page.
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