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ENVS 131B: Political Economy of Global Climate Governance

Course guide for Prof. Claudia Horn's Spring 2024 offering of ENVS 131B.

Library Databases with Grey Lit

Grey Literature Sites


More Grey Lit

UN Regional Economic Commissions

Evaluating Grey Literature

Type of source Examples Purpose Authors Audience Publishers Note


Certain books; scientific/academic journals

To advance knowledge in an academic discipline

Researchers, professors, experts Academics, scientists, policymakers, students Scientific/academic publishers (may be commercial or nonprofit) Usually peer-reviewed
POPULAR News articles, magazines, op-ed pieces, some books To discuss current trends, events, ideas Journalists, politicians,  occasionally scholars General public Commercial publishers, newspapers, magazines Not peer-reviewed, but may go through an editorial process like fact-checking
GREY LITERATURE Issue briefs, policy papers, case studies, technical reports To further the mission of the organization that funded and/or published it Practitioners, experts, government workers, public relations staff Other practitioners, policymakers, donors, the public Usually the organization itself May be biased in favor of the mission of the organization


Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) at the Library of Congress creates analytical, nonpartisan reports on major policy issues for members and committees of the United States Congress. A 2018 law created provisions for CRS reports to be made available to the public as they are published, and efforts will be made to make the backfile available to the public on the CRS website.  For CRS reports published prior to September 2018, there are a variety of organizations and libraries that have made collections available to the public on their own websites.