For most questions about your micro-courses, contact Andie D'Agostino. Check the box below for exceptions.
Ken Udas - Program Chair
Ashley Whittington - LATTE help, learning design consultations
Brittany Carr - Contract & payroll questions
Contact Ashley Whittington for any needed updates or changes to this guide.
Approximately two months before the micro-course begins, the Rabb team will create the course in LATTE and enroll you as the instructor. Once you have been notified that the course is ready for you, you can start updating the course and the materials.
This page outlines each item you need to create or update to prepare your course and a recommended timeframe for doing so. We strongly recommend working through the items according to the timeline rather than waiting until the last minute.
IMPORTANT Many boxes in this guide contain multiple tabs, each with important information. Make sure you click on each tab to update all items completely.
As soon as you have access to your course
Once you have access to the course in LATTE, take some time to familiarize yourself with the course even if you’ve taught it before. Open all of the sections, click each of the links, and read through the assignment and evaluation criteria. Please update any typos or broken links that you encounter. If there are any egregious errors, please let Andie and/or Ashley know.
After your initial review of the course, work through each item in this guide to update and prepare your course.
Six weeks before the course starts
IMPORTANT If you do not have access to the Syllabus Template or the Faculty Teaching Materials folder, contact Andie immediately.
Four weeks before the course starts
IMPORTANT Be careful when copying and pasting text into LATTE! Text copied from Google Docs, Microsoft Word, emails, and most websites will almost always copy some of the underlying code and formatting from the original location in addition to the text. When you paste this text into your LATTE course, that code will be pasted as well. This can cause issues with how your text appears, your ability to edit or style the text, and sometimes even lead to serious display problems with your entire course! To avoid these problems, you can:
Three weeks before the course starts
Each OSTM micro-course includes a weekly 60-minute live discussion session on Zoom. Evaluate your schedule and email Andie D’Agostino your availability for these sessions. Keep in mind the following guidelines:
Students will respond to your availability via a Doodle poll to determine the time and day for the weekly meeting. Andie will send you the final decision of the day and time once the students have chosen.
Two weeks before the course starts
Element is the open source chat room that the OSTM micro-courses use to facilitate casual conversations between and among faculty and students.
Create a unique course room for your upcoming course according to the linked guide. Students will join the room once the micro-course opens.
IMPORTANT Make sure you've disabled the end-to-end encryption so students can join using the room link.
After configuring the room, update the LATTE course with the new room link in the following places:
One week before the course starts
After you receive the decision of the day and time that the students have chosen, create a recurring Zoom meeting room for all five course sessions. Although not open source, we use Zoom for its features that make virtual meetings more accessible for students with disabilities and non-native English speakers.
Due to the length of the instructions for creating the meeting and updating LATTE, make sure you click through each of the tabs in this box to cover each step. The final tab includes additional resources that you may find helpful but are not required to view.
After configuring the meeting, update the LATTE course with the meeting information and/or link in the following places:
Update the Zoom meeting link and information for each week.
In your Brandeis Google calendar, create a recurring meeting for all five weeks. You can either add the Zoom information or note that the connection information is in LATTE. Once the course starts, students will opt in to being added to this calendar invitation.
If you have the Zoom Chrome extension, you may be able to create the Google meeting first and edit the settings in Zoom afterwards. If you choose to do this, be very sure that you have selected all of the correct settings.
Double check that your Brandeis Zoom account is properly configured for cloud recording and automatic transcripts before your first meeting.
At least three days before the course starts
The Course Announcements forum allows you to push emails to all enrolled students. You are required to send a Welcome Message on the first Sunday before the course starts to introduce yourself and set expectations for the course. We recommend scheduling this message in advance for flexibility (see the next tab for instructions).
The exact content of the Welcome Message is up to you. We recommend including:
IMPORTANT You must open the course before sending any announcements. If scheduling announcements, you must open the course before the display start date of the Welcome Message.
You can send announcements instantly or schedule them in advance. Scheduling announcements gives you the flexibility to send messages at a set time, even when you're busy with something else. The announcement will be stored in LATTE but hidden from students until the display time. There is no limit to the number of announcements you can schedule.
Two days before the course starts
Before opening the course to students, do one final review of the course to ensure everything is set up correctly. You should check:
Two days before the course starts
All courses are hidden by default so students cannot access them before they are ready. Faculty are responsible for opening their own courses before they begin. While there is no required date or time to open the course, we recommend doing so on or before Saturday.
IMPORTANT You must open the course before sending any announcements. If scheduling announcements, you must open the course before the display start date of the Welcome Message.