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An overview of resources in the field of sociology that are available to the Brandeis community.

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HM: Library of Congress call numbers for sociology

401-1281...Sociology (General)

435-477...History of sociology
461-473...Schools of social thought
481-554...Theory. Method.
661-696...Social control
701...Social systems
706...Social structure
711-806...Groups and organizations
786-806...Organizational sociology.
811-821...Deviant behavior. Social deviance
826...Social institutions
831-901...Social change
1001-1281...Social psychology
1041-1101...Social perception. Social cognition
1106-1171...Interpersonal relations. Social behavior
1176-1281...Social influence. Social pressure
If you like to browse the stacks, this guide to the Library of Congress call number ranges should help you to find relevant books for sociology in the HM classification.  The HMs are shelved on Level 1 of Goldfarb Library.