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HBI Summer Interns

A library and research guide designed for HBI's summer interns


Welcome to Brandeis Library! This guide is meant to help serve as an introduction to library services for your summer internship. The tabs on the left side of the page are suggested starting points for your research. On this page, you'll find some basic resources.

Please reach out to me if you need help with your research, citations, etc. My contact information is on the left side of the page, beneath the navigation. Feel free to email or make a Zoom appointment with me.

Brandeis Library OneSearch

Brandeis Library OneSearch 

The Library Catalog tab is the principal means for locating books, journals, and videos in the library's collections. OneSearch can be useful for this purpose at two levels of your research. If you have already identified the book(s) you need through other research aids, search OneSearch Library Catalog by Title or by Author to locate the item(s) in the library. If you are trying to identify books that will be useful for your research, search OneSearch Library Catalog by Keyword or Subject.

Note: There are some library databases that aren't searchable in OneSearch. Users can still search these databases via our A-Z list.  Not sure which database to use?  Email me for suggestions!


Don't know the meaning of a term, or the significance of a person mentioned?  Instead of Wikipedia, try starting here.