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Resources for Alumni

Recommended research resources for Brandeis Alumni.


Congrats – you've graduated! 

But what if you need access to Brandeis library resources? Most of them are unavailable to alumni, but we've pulled together quality free resources for you. This guide includes information about options for accessing scholarly literature, resources for Heller School alumni, and resources available through public libraries.

NOTE: This guide is updated regularly.  For questions, concerns, or suggestions, please email

Alumni Licensed Databases accounts that many alumni use to log into email and other services, including access to online library resources, will be discontinued effective January 7, 2025. Starting June 2024, alumni can log into alumni-licensed online library resources using their My Brandeis Gateway account. If you do not already have a My Brandeis Gateway account, you may create one on My Brandeis Gateway. See Logging into library e-resources for more information. Questions or problems with your My Brandeis Gateway account should be directed to the Brandeis ITS Technology Help Desk.

Licensed Databases for Alumni

Logging into library e-resources accounts that many alumni use to log into email and other services, including access to online library resources, will be discontinued effective January 7, 2025. Starting June 2024, alumni can log into alumni-licensed online library resources using their My Brandeis Gateway account. All Brandeis community members will see a new login screen when accessing online library resources:

Select Current Brandeis students, faculty, staff, and researchers to login with credentials.

Select Brandeis Alumni to login with or create a My Brandeis Gateway account. For step-by-step My Brandeis Gateway registration instructions, please see Create a My Brandeis Gateway Account (pdf).


Alumni have access to licensed alumni resources listed on the Resources for Alumni page. 


Questions or problems with your account or your My Brandeis Gateway account should be directed to the Brandeis ITS Technology Help Desk.

Visiting the Brandeis Library

The Goldfarb-Farber Library at Brandeis University is open to the public. Visitors, including Brandeis alumni, are welcome to visit the library and use resources. Here are some options available to alumni:

  • Use of computer terminals in the Goldfarb InfoCommons. Visitors can access most of our databases with scholarly literature from these computers. 
  • Use of scanners.  You can send scans to your email address, or save them to a flash drive that you bring with you.
  • Use of printers (cash only)
  • Use of physical books within the library (you are allowed to scan a portion of most books) 
  • Please visit the Alumni Borrowing page on the Library website for information about borrowing privileges.