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Donation and Collection of Archival Materials at Brandeis University

This guide is to help inform potential or active donors of materials for the University Archives at Brandeis University

Departmental Records of Permanent Value

Basic Overview of the Nature of Permanent Records

Records that have permanent historical or research value and are not actively used by your department should be transferred to the University Archives for permanent housing.

Below is a basic overview of the characteristics of permanent records.

What Records Have Permanent Historical or Research Value?

Records that document the significant activities and core functions of a department, program, or committee. In general, records of a department's policies, organizational structure, major projects, and publications provide a good picture of a department's functions and activities and therefore have permanent historical and research value. If a set of records disappeared, leaving people unable to recreate a department's functions without them, the records most likely have permanent value.

What constitutes an actively used record?

Records that your department refers to on a regular basis to conduct its business. If you need to use a set of records at least a few times a year, they will generally be considered active records. Some records that have permanent historical or research value are still active records. Examples include donor files and student transcripts.

What type of records do not have permanent historical or research value?

  • Job searches
  • Contracts
  • Rough drafts of routine documents such as memos, brief correspondences, and procedures
  • Time sheets--both staff and student
  • Unidentified photographs
  • Secondary material--particularly press clippings and reports from non-Brandeis institutions