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UWS 52B: Environmental Justice / Climate Justice

Resources for the study of environmental justice and climate justice at Brandeis. Course guide created for Katrin Fischer by Lisa Zeidenberg, Creative Arts Librarian

Multidisciplinary databases

Medical databases

Environmental studies databases

Exploring the subject

Browsing for articles (Global Issues in Context example):

Click "Browse Issues" and choose "Environmental Justice" from the list.

Global Issues in Context Home Page

This opens an overview page with a list of articles/citations beneath it. Click "Read more" under the overview, and you'll see an expandable list of related articles on the upper right and below the overview, with links to related subjects below the related article links on the upper right.

Using the Topic Finder (Environmental Studies and Policy example):

You can search for "environmental justice" (search for the phrase rather than the individual words by placing it between quotation marks) and then use the Topic Finder to explore the topic visually.

Environmental Studies and Policy Topic Finder
Below is the Wheel option; there's also a Tiles visualizer for those who'd rather view it that way. For Gale Environmental Studies and Policy, you'll find a number of relevant subtopics, such as minority, Black, and Environmental Injustices; Gale's Science in Context Topic Finder contains relevant subtopics as well, including racism, communities, Black, Native Americans, African Americans, and nations.

Environmental Studies and Policy Topic Wheel
You can also locate articles and other resources on the topic of environmental justice using both Environmental Science and Policy and Science in Context (below), using the process outlined for Global Issues in Context (above) -- the process is very similar.