Have questions about publishing your work in a repository? Feel free to contact us by emailing - librarypublishing@brandeis.edu
Making your research, whether it's a thesis or article, available to the wider scholarly community promotes collaboration and discussion not only in your field of expertise but also across multiple disciplines.
Universities and Colleges allow scholars to deposit their theses/dissertations into an institutional repository. ScholarWorks offers a permanent home for Senior Honor Theses, Master Theses and Ph.D. dissertations. For more information about depositing your these/dissertation into ScholarWorks, feel free to visit the Brandeis ScholarWorks section of this guide or the Brandeis Library site.
Beyond your institutional repository, you can also deposit your work in other Open Access repositories. Below is a brief list of repositories and social-networking sites for scholars:
Along with repositories for theses/dissertations, there are numerous disciplinary repositories operated by independent organizations. If you want to pursue a career as a scientist or scholar at universities, research labs, or think tanks, it is extremely important to publish your work. Further, grant funding agencies, such as federal agencies, create and maintain their own repositories to preserve and disseminate the research they support. These repositories include not only scholarly articles but also the data produced and compiled in the process of the funded research. Below is a brief list of subject area focused repositories:
Here are some sources to consult for identifying online repositories: