If you have any questions/feedback about ScholarWorks, feel free to email us at: librarypublishing@brandeis.edu
Introducing Brandeis ScholarWorks
Brandeis ScholarWorks has formally launched and represents a bold step forward as the Library engages and supports the university’s research mission. ScholarWorks replaces the former Brandeis Institutional Repository (BIR) and will go well beyond it in scope. From the homepage, you can search ETD (Electronic Theses and Dissertations), Research Units (which are academic departments and schools) and look at Researcher Profiles (faculty, staff, and more). Also, with ScholarWorks, you can view the world map and see downloads and views.
What is the ScholarWorks?
ScholarWorks is a historical record of the research done by our faculty, students and staff. ScholarWorks contributes to the scholarly communication landscape by providing access to scholarly material that is open and free to all. It is a place for our scholarly community to showcase the amazing research and work that happens on this campus.
Why Submit Your Work to ScholarWorks?
For faculty, it is the place to keep a digital copy of your publications in one place. For students who are working on theses or major projects on campus, ScholarWorks helps preserve your academic achievements while at Brandeis. And for staff, it is the place to house your conference papers and any key achievements in your field.
For more information on what materials can be submitted, please visit the Brandeis Library page on "Sharing your Scholarly and Creative Work."