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*Religious Studies

Finding Books at Brandeis

You can search OneSearch by subject to find books (including e-books) relevant to your research. One good way to find books on a particular topic is to browse by subject:

  • Enter a word such as "Medieval" or "Renaissance" in the search box and select "subject beginning with."
  • You'll see a list of subdivided topics, and you will see how many books relate to each topic. Don't forget to click "Next page" to get the full list.
  • Click on a topic to get a list of the books on that subject.

If you have already found a useful book in the catalog, you can find others on the same subject:

  • Click on the title in the catalog to get to the full view of the record.
  • Look at the Subjects listed in the record. Many books will have more than one subject.
  • Click the subject you are interested in. A pop-up box will come up. Click "Search" under "Browse the Subject Index." (You can also search Google from this pop-up box.)
  • The subject list will appear, with its list of subdivided topic and the number of books related to each topic. Click on a topic to get a list of the books on that subject.

Getting Books not Available @ Brandeis

  • In a hurry? Get a BLC card and borrow the book from a nearby academic library - use WorldCat to find which libraries own it
  • Have a little more time? Request the book from another library through InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

Library of Congress Classification for Religion

Class B: Religion is the classification used by the Library of Congress Classification system and the one we use here at Brandeis University. The Religion Collection is located on Goldfarb Mezzanine.

BL Religions, Mythology, Rationalism
BM Judaism
BP Islam, Bahaism, Theosophy etc.
BQ Buddhism
BR Christianity
BS The Bible
BT Doctrinal Theology
BV Practical Theology
BX Christian Denominations