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Conflict Resolution and Coexistence (COEX)

Library & research resources for the Heller School MA Program in Conflict Resolution and Coexistience

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Find a Professional or Industry Association

Most industries have professional associations with annual conferences, regular publications, and networking opportunities. While there’s a membership fee to belong, student rates make this a more affordable opportunity to see what the current discussions are you can keep up to date, find ways to get involved, and make connections!

Ways to find a professional or industry association:

  • If you're on LinkedIn, look at the profiles of people who are doing the kind of work you'd like to do.  Do they list any professional associations on the "Organizations" section of their profile?  Do they belong to any groups that seem like a professional association (as described above)?
  • Try a web search for the field (e.g. international development, or healthcare) and/or the job function (e.g., policy analyst) that interests you along with the word "association."

Below, find a few professional associations that might interest you.

Nonprofits and NGOs

Directories, Profiles and Histories

Grants & Funding Resources