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ORCID at Brandeis University

This guide is intended for faculty and student researchers. It contains information about the Open Researcher and Contributor iD (ORCiD) registry, including how to get, use, and connect your ORCiD.

ORCiD for Students

ORCiDs aren't just for faculty or researchers, either. ORCiD profiles support a wide variety of output, from poster projects to student papers to video exhibits, and they're a great place to get started documenting your work.

Students planning to submit a thesis or dissertation will have the option to create an ORCiD account as part of the submission process; graduate students and those who anticipate pursuing publication in their future careers should consider getting an ORCiD now and using it often. Sign up now!

Once you have an ORCiD remember to use it! Add your ORCiD to email signatures, online profiles, manuscript submissions, peer reviews, grant applications, and more. If a journal or conference you are submitting to does not have a way to include an ORCiD with your information, consider contacting the editors or organizers and requesting that they make it an option. Check out the Using ORCiD page for more info on how to update and use your ORCiD account.


It's possible to include an ORCiD when you submit your Electronic Thesis or Dissertation (ETD) to Proquest. You can find out more information about the ETD process in the following locations:

  • For GSAS, please click here.
  • For The Heller School, please click here.

On the Contact Information page of the submission, there is an optional space to include an ORCiD. If you already have an iD you can just type or paste the number into the box (you don't need to type the dashes!). When you click on the "Look Up" link you will be brought to a page of ORCID search results based on the information in the "First Name", "Middle Name", and "Last Name" fields.

If you do not have an ORCiD clicking on the "Create" button will bring you to ORCID's registration page where you can quickly create an account.

Once you've added an ORCiD, Proquest will check to see which name is associated with it and display it below the "Look up" and "Create" buttons. You should see something similar to the image below, but with your name instead of "Graduate Student" in the area we've highlighted in red. (If your name doesn't show up, double check to make sure you have the correct ORCiD.)

Once you've done this your ORCiD will be associated with your ETD in Proquest.

Add your ETD to your ORCiD profile

You can manually add works to your ORCiD profile. You may want to do this for presentations or other content that is not listed in databases such as Crossref. Here's how to do it for your ETD.

To add a work click the Add works button then click the Add manually button.

Choose "Publication" as the Work Category and "Dissertation" as the Work Type. Then add the title and any other information you want to. [Note: "Thesis" is not a valid category at this point. We're working on it!]