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ENG 23B: Eating the Middle Ages StoryMaps Project


This guide includes resources for the ArcGIS StoryMaps assignment for Prof. Bailey Ludwig's ENG 23B: Eating the Middle Ages course. Use the sidebar menu to navigate to different pages of this course guide. New content will be added to this guide as needed throughout the semester.

Outline your Story Map

The following resources can help you get started with outlining your story map, identifying key materials that you'll need to collect, etc.

Example Story Maps

The following story maps are examples of how other students, researchers, and organizations have approached topics related to Medieval diets, recipes, travel narratives, etc.

ArcGIS StoryMaps Sign-in Process

Our institutional subscription to ArcGIS StoryMaps can be accessed via Brandeis ArcGIS Online or the ArcGIS StoryMaps public website

via Brandeis ArcGIS Online

  1. Go to Brandeis ArcGIS Online.

  2. Click the Brandeis University login option. You will be directed to Brandeis login page where you can sign in with your Brandeis credentials.
    Brandeis ArcGIS Online Sign-in Page.

  3. Then, on the Brandeis ArcGIS Online homepage, click the App launcher menu Apps menu launcher. to view a list of Esri apps. Scroll down the list and click StoryMaps to launch the software in a new browser tab.
    StoryMaps logo.

via ArcGIS StoryMaps Public Site

  1. Go to ArcGIS StoryMaps site.
  2. Sign in using the Your ArcGIS organization's URL option. Type brandeis into the text box, then click Continue. You will be redirected to the Brandeis login page, where you can sign into StoryMaps using your Brandeis credentials.
    (Important: You can't sign into your Brandeis StoryMaps account with the general ArcGIS login. You have to use the Your ArcGIS organization's URL sign-in option).
    Sign in with Your ArcGIS Organization's URL