The My Courses page serves as a hub for users to access all of their courses. It provides a convenient way to navigate between classes, helping users stay organized.
The My Courses page has filters that allows users to customize their course view.
1) The left drop down menu allows users to determine which course are visible on this page. If you are having trouble seeing your fall courses, try changing the view options. Options include:
All courses, In Progress, Future, Past, Starred, Removed from view.
2) The search bar allows users to search for courses by name or course number.
3) Another option is to sort by course name or last accessed.
4) Users can also select from three different display options:
Card - displays the courses in a grid showing the name and number of the course as well as the course image that has been selected.
List - displays the courses in a vertical list with smaller course images on the left side of the screen.
Summary - similar to the List view and it also displays the course summary entered on the settings page.
Each course has a kebab menu or 3 dots. Select this setting allows users to star a course or remove it from view.
Another way to access all of your courses is through the Profile page.
1. Select your profile icon: In the top right corner, you'll see your profile icon or initials. Select this icon to open a dropdown menu.
2. Select "Profile": This will take you to your profile page.
3. Course Details: On the profile page select the course from the Course Details section.