The Yiddish Voice
On WUNR 1600 AM/Brookline, Massachusetts USA. LIVE Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 p.m.
Website also lists links to radio programs and to other stations with Yiddish language programs.
Yiddish Voice c/o WUNR, 160 N. Washington St., Boston, MA 02114 USA
The Yiddish Hour = Di Yidishe Sho
It was originally an all-Yiddish show. Plays all Yiddish music with
announcements in both Yiddish and English. Sundays, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00
p.m. on WBRS ("Bris FM") 100.1 FM, Waltham, MA from the campus of
Brandeis University.
Bibliography about the Yiddish Press
Standford University
The Yiddish Press: A Select Bibliography
Cassedy, Steven, editor and translator.
Building the Future: Jewish Immigrant Intellectuals and the Making of Tsukunft
New York: Holmes & Meier, 1999
Main Stacks DS135.R9 B88 1999
Glatshteyn, Ya'akov, redaktsye
Finf un zibetsik yor yidishe prese in Amerike, 1870-1945
Title on added t.p.: 75 Years Yiddish Press in the United States of America (1870-1945)
(Sh. Niger [pseud.] [un] Hilel Rogof.)
Nyu York, Y. L. Perets shrayber fareyn, 1945
Main Stacks + PN4885.Y5 Y5
Goncharok, Moshe.
Tsu der geshikhòte fun der anarkhisòtisher prese oyf Yidish
Other Title: On the History of the Yiddish Anarchist Press
Yerusholaim: Problemen, 757, 1997
Main Stacks PN5650 .G66 1997
Hoerder, Dirk, ed.
The Immigrant Labor Press in North America, 1840s-1970s: An Annotated Bibliography
New York: Greenwood Press, 1987.
Contents: v. 1. Migrants from northern Europe.--v. 2. Migrants from
Eastern and Southeastern Europe.--v. 3. Migrants from southern and
western Europe.
Main Library PN4884 .H639 1987
Levine, S. D.
50 yor "Forverts": di rol fun "Forverts" in dem Idish lebn : faktn, fotostatn un tsitatn
Fuftsig yor "Forverts"
Nyu York : [h. mo. l.], 1948
Main Stacks PJ5111.F64 L4
Shatsoki, Yaakov, ed.
Zaml-bukh: tsu der geshikhte fun der Yidisher prese in Amerike
Cover title: Studies in History of the Yiddish Press in America
Nyu York : Yidisher kultur gezelshaft, 1934
Main Stacks PN4885.Y5 S45
Shpall, Leo.
Selected Items of American Jewish Interest in the Yiddish Periodicals of Russia and Poland, 1862-1940
Cincinnati : American Jewish Archives on the Cincinnati Campus of the Hebrew Union
College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1966
Judaica Reference Z6373.U5 S4
Szajkowski, Z. Yivo Institute for Jewish Research.
One Hundred Years of the Yiddish Press in America, 1870-1970
[exhibition] catalogue
New York : YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, 1970
Judaica Microform PN4885.Y5 Y57