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International Justice

Guide from the International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life at Brandeis.


The following is a selected bibliography for those interested in learning more about the international justice system:

(2004). The Burgh House Principles on the Independence of the International Judiciary. London, Study Group on International Courts and Tribunals of the International Law Association.

(2004). The Challenges of International Justice. Colloquium of Prosecutors of International Criminal Tribunals, Arusha, Tanzania, Brandeis University.

Abi-Mershed, E. A. H. (2007). The United States and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The United States and International Courts and Tribunals. C. P. R. Romano.

Alter, K. J. (2005). "International Courts Are Not Agents! : the Perils of the Principal-Agent Approach to Thinking About the Independence of International Courts " Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 99: 138-141.

Askin, K. D. (2003). "Prosecuting Wartime Rape and Other Gender-Related Crimes under International Law: Extraordinary Advances, Enduring Obstacles." Berkeley Journal of International Law 21(2): 288.

Badinter, R. and S. G. Breyer (2004). Judges in contemporary democracy : an international conversation. New York, New York University Press.

Boisson de Chazournes, L., C. Romano, et al. (2002). International organizations and international dispute settlement : trends and prospects. Ardsley, N.Y., Transnational Publishers.

Bork, R. H. (2003). Coercing virtue : the worldwide rule of judges. Washington, D.C., AEI Press.

Brown, C. (2003). "Legal norms to promote the independence and accountability of international tribunals " The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 2(1): 27-62.

Buergenthal, T. (1982). "The Inter-American Court of Human Rights." American Journal of International Law 76(2): 231-245.

Buergenthal, T. (2001). "Proliferation of International Courts and Tribunals: Is It Good or Bad?" Leiden journal of international law 14: 267-275.

Buergenthal, T. (2002). Commencement address at American University.

Buergenthal, T. (2005). "Remembering the Early Years of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights." New York University Journal of Law and International Politics 37: 259-280.

Caflisch, L. (2003). "Independence and impartiality of judges: The European Court of Human Rights " The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 2(1): 169-173.

Cerone, J. P. (2007). U.S. Attitudes towards International Courts and Tribunals. The United States and International Courts and Tribunals. C. P. R. Romano.

Dworkin, R. (2003). "The Judge's New Role: Should Personal Convictions Count?" Journal of International Criminal Justice 1: 4-12.

Falk, R. A. (2005). "Toward Authoritativeness: The ICJ Ruling on Israel's Security Wall." American Journal of International Law 99(1): 42-52.

Franck, T. M. (2002). Recourse to force : state action against threats and armed attacks. Cambridge ; New York, NY, Cambridge University Press.

Goldhaber, Michael (2007). A People's History of the European Court of Human Rights. Piscataway, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press.

Goldstone, R. (2000). For humanity : reflections of a war crimes investigator. New Haven, Yale University Press.

Guillaume, G. (2003). "Some thoughts on the independence of international judges vis-à-vis states " The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 2(1).

Helfer, L. R. and A.-M. Slaughter (1997). "Toward a Theory of Effective Supranational Adjudication." Yale Law Journal 107: 273-391.

Higgins, R. (2006). "A Babel of Judicial Voices?  Ruminations from the Bench." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 55(4): 791-804.

Lauterpacht, E. (2000). The International Lawyer as Judge. The International Lawyer as Practitioner. C. Wickremasinghe. London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law: 125-146.

Mackenzie, R. and P. Sands (2003). "International Courts and Tribunals and the Independence of the International Judge." Harvard International Law Journal 44(1): 271-285.

Meron, T. (2005). "Revival of Customary Humanitarian Law." American Journal of International Law 99(4): 817-834.

Neuffer, E. (2001). The key to my neighbor's house : seeking justice in Bosnia and Rwanda. New York, Picador.

Orentlicher, D. F. (2004). "Unilateral Multilateralism: United States Policy toward the International Criminal Court." Cornell International Law Journal 36(3): 415-433.

Pellet, A. (2000). The Role of International Lawyer in International Litigation. The International Lawyer as Practitioner. C. Wickremasinghe. London, British Institute of International and Comparative Law.

Pocar, F. (2004). "The Proliferation of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals: A Necessity in the Current International Community." Journal of International Criminal Justice 2: 304-308.

Romano, C. P. R. (2003). "The Americanization of International Dispute Resolution." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 19(1): 89-119.

Romano, C. P. R., A. Nollkaemper, et al. (2004). Internationalized criminal courts and tribunals : Sierra Leone, East Timor, Kosovo, and Cambodia. Oxford ; New York, Oxford University Press.

Sands, P. (2005). Lawless world : America and the making and breaking of global rules from FDR's Atlantic Charter to George W. Bush's illegal war. New York, Viking.

Schwebel, S. M. (1999). "National Judges and Judges Ad Hoc of the International Court of Justice." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 48(4): 889-900.

Shelton, D. (2003). "Legal norms to promote the independence and accountability of international tribunals " The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals 2(1): 27-62.

Slaughter, A.-M. (2003). "A Global Community of Courts." Harvard International Law Journal 44(1): 191-219.

Stover, E. (2005). The witnesses : war crimes and the promise of justice in The Hague. Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press.

Vagts, D. F. (1996). "The International Legal Profession: A Need for More Governance?" American Journal of International Law 90(2): 250-261.

Wald, P. M. (2004). "Reflections on Judging: At Home and Abroad." University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law 7: 219-247.

Wald, P. M. (2006). "Running the Trial of the Century: The Nuremburg Legacy." Cardozo Law Review 27(4): 1559-1597.

Wippmann, D. (2006). "The Costs of International Justice." American Journal of International Law 100(4): 861-880.

Zacklin, R. (2004). "The Failings of Ad Hoc International Tribunals." Journal of International Criminal Justice 2: 541-545.