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International Justice

Guide from the International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life at Brandeis.

Brandeis Programs

Brandeis Programs in International Justice and Society aim to enhance the work of the international justice system by informing the general public about its accomplishments and challenges, serving the needs of the international judiciary through institutes and meetings, and encouraging inquiry on related activities in the fields of human rights and complementary justice programs.

Events in International Justice

Massachusetts Superior Court Judge Elizabeth Fahey recently spoke to students at Brandeis about her service on the bench of the War Crimes Chamber of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Click here for a report.


This guide provides an overview of the burgeoning field of international justice. Click the tabs above for more information. The information was compiled by the International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life at Brandeis. Below is an excerpt about international justice from the book The International Judge, coauthored by the Daniel Terris, the Center’s director, and Leigh Swigart, the director of programs in international justice and society:

Over the last century, international law, once reserved for arcane matters of diplomacy and trade, has come to encompass a broad range of human experience and activity. In the wake of major historical developments, the nations of the world have created a new set of legal institutions designed to resolve disputes between global actors, to settle conflicts that might otherwise play out on the battlefield, and to offer the promise of justice to those who cannot find it within their own countries.

—Excerpted from The International Judge, by Daniel Terris, Cesare P.R. Romano, and Leigh Swigart (Brandeis University Press, 2007).