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*Linguistics and Computational Linguistics

This guide includes resources for theoretical and computational linguistics.


Welcome to Brandeis Library's guide for Linguistics and Computational Linguistics. The resources in this guide are suggested starting points for your research.

Please reach out to me if you need help with your research, citations, finding corpora, etc. My contact information is on the left side of the page, beneath the navigation. I am available for in-person and Zoom appointments with Brandeis students, faculty, and staff.

Background Reference

Start your research by gaining an overview of key topics in Linguistics and related fields.

Key Databases for Linguistics

The following databases are a good starting point for finding journal articles and other resources for linguistics research. Go to Databases A-Z for our full list of databases for linguistics and other disciplines.

Find Conference Papers

Conference proceedings are a key resource for computational linguistics research. The majority of proceedings for comp ling conferences are available for free in open-access repositories. Repositories may include peer-reviewed conference and workshop papers, unpublished works like working papers, and other forms of grey literature.

If you want to learn more about a specific conference and their peer-review process, conference organizers should provide an overview of their review process on the conference websites. Conferences may also share reports about the status of their peer review process (e.g., Program Chairs' Report on Peer Review at ACL 2023) as part of the conference proceedings. If you are regularly citing conference papers in your work, make sure you look at the conferences' review criteria so you have a baseline for how they vet different types of conference submissions.

Find Dissertations & Theses

Dissertations are another helpful resource for research in theoretical and computational linguistics. Dissertations undergo a different review process than peer-reviewed journals, so they might not always be the best resource for an assignment, but they can still help guide you to additional scholarship on a topic. Make sure to check out the list of references in a dissertation for possible sources. 

Dissertations & Theses Resources

Brandeis Dissertations & Theses

Browse all of Brandeis Library's dissertations & theses databases in Databases A-Z.

Brandeis Library OneSearch

Search Strategies

There are a number of search strategies you can use in Library OneSearch and our library databases to help improve your search results.

Phrase Searching

Put quotation marks (" ") around search terms to search for them as a phrase. Example: "reference grammar".

Boolean Logic (AND, OR, NOT)

  • Use AND to narrow your search results (e.g., subject omission AND Hebrew).
  • Use OR to broaden your search results. (e.g., code mixing OR code switching).
  • Use NOT to filter out results that contain terms you're not interested in.


Truncation (*)

Use the asterisk symbol (*) to retrieve variant endings of the search term. For example, a search for morpholog* will retrieve morphology, morphologies, morphological, morphologist, etc.


Author Name

Authors may publish their works under different names or variations of the same name over the course of their lifetimes. Try searching for different combinations of an author's name or try using some of the advanced search features in our databases to search by an author's institutional affiliation (e.g., Brandeis) or their ORCID ID, if they have one.


Grouping Keywords

Use parentheses ( ) around your search terms to group them together. Example: (autism OR autistic) AND lexical will search for resources that mention either autism or autistic AND then lexical.