Contact Brittany Carr with all questions about teaching expectations, issues with students, and your contract.
Contact Andie D'Agostino with all OSTM-specific inquiries.
Contact Ashley Whittington for any needed updates or changes to this guide.
For assistance using LATTE on issues not covered in this guide, contact the Online Course Support Center. You can get support by phone or chat between 9am and 9pm Eastern. After hours, they offer 24/7 support via email.
Welcome to the Instructor Guide for the Assessment for Credit courses in the OSTM program at Brandeis. Students can earn three graduate-level credits per topic area by completing an Assessment for Credit at the conclusion of the two micro-courses within a given topic area. Each three-credit bundle is equal to an elective course within Brandeis GPS. There is an additional cost and assessment for graduate credit.
As the course instructor, you are responsible for supervising the students' work and grading the final submission. This guide will support you in that effort, providing tips and guidance for each major aspect of the course.
There are several tools and platforms that you will use to teach the Assessment for Credit courses.
General resources for the OSTM program and Brandeis.