Geocoding is the process of transforming location information (e.g., street addresses, place names, etc.) into coordinate data (e.g., latitude/longitude) that can be plotted and symbolized on a map.
Reverse geocoding is the process of taking latitude and longitude values from a map layer and converting them into street addresses or place names.
Add XY Data is a tool that lets users convert a spreadsheet with xy coordinate data (e.g., longitude, latitude) into a geospatial point layer that can be plotted and symbolized on a map.
Sign into Brandeis ArcGIS Online. In Map Viewer, click Add in the left sidebar menu and select the spreadsheet with your address data.
Confirm the variables, column display names, and field types that you want to upload from your spreadsheet.
Change the Location Settings menu to Latitude and longitude.
Use the location field drop-down menus to select the latitude and longitude columns from your spreadsheet.