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Moodle 4.0 Resources for Faculty


ITS recommends instructors do their own backups of their courses during the semester and store the backup files outside of Moodle.  A backup file saved outside of Moodle can serve as your personal record of your course's online resources, and may be used to transfer your course to another school using a compatible version of Moodle. ITS does not keep courses in Moodle indefinitely, and suggest instructors wishing to have long term access to courses create and store their own course backups.

The Course Retention Policy can be found at

It is recommended that you perform a backup of your course for the following:

  • After you have done a lot of work prepping your course for the semester

  • At the end of the semester, to save all student work and activities

  • If you'd like to share the setup of your course shell with another Brandeis instructor who doesn't have access to your course shell.

  • Whenever you want extra peace-of-mind

Course Editor and Grader roles are unable to access these functions.



 IMPORTANT: The Import and Backup/Restore steps can only be completed in Moodle by the Instructor and Academic Administrator Roles. The Course Editor role can personalize the course shell after the import or restore process is complete.

Restore from a Previous Course

Important: To create course backups and restore materials from one course to another, you must have Instructor status in both courses. 

1. Open your previous course that you would like to duplicate.  Select Backup in the Administration block. 

2. Keep all defaults and select Jump to final step. 

3. Select continue.  Your new backup file will appear in the User private backup area, which stores your backup file in LATTE. 

LATTE Backup and Download Settings

4. Select the link to Download the backup file onto your computer. 


5. Open a new tab and login to Brandeis Box.

6. Find the location where you would like to add the Backup File.  You may want to add this file to the LATTE Backup folder that was created for course migrations.  

7. Select New and then select File Upload from the dropdown menu.

Box Settings for Adding a New File

8. Find the file you want to upload. An easy to find this is to select the download folder and sort by last modified.

Select the course backup file that you downloaded and select open. 

Uploading a File From the Download Folder on a PC

9. In Box you will see a message confirming that the file has uploaded. 

Confirmation in Box that File Upload is successful.

See the next tab Restore into a New Course to finish transferring your course into Moodle. 

1. Open your new course. From the course header, select the More option and select Course Reuse from the dropdown menu.

2. On the dropdown menu on the left side of the screen, select Restore.

3. To restore a course backup file select Choose a File. From the File picker select Box.

4. Use your Brandeis credentials to log into Box.  Grant access to Brandeis Box. 

Moodle 4 Restore Settings

5. Select the course backup, and confirm by clicking Select this file.

6. Select Restore.

Moodle 4 Restore Settings


7. On the next page, Confirm, scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Continue.

8. On the next page, Destination, you can choose one of several options for restoring the backup data into your course. The most common option is Restore into this course → Merge the backup course into this course. Click Continue in your desired section.

9. On the next page, Settings, scroll to the bottom and select continue.

a. Optional: The Schema page allows you the opportunity to uncheck and remove any specific items from being imported (if desired).  Click Next.

10.  The next page, Review, gives you one last opportunity to review the content that is being restored into the course.  If you need to make changes select the Previous button at the bottom. Select the button Perform Restore to begin the restore process. 

Moodle 4 Restore Settings
When the restore is complete, a green banner will appear, confirming that everything was restored properly.  Click Continue to return to the course page into which you restored the data backup. 



Why am I missing a specific past course from LATTE in the BOX folder? I can see it in LATTE still.  

There are a number of reasons why a particular course may not have been able to be moved in an automated manner into BOX, during the initial LATTE migration.
  1. The course backup was too big
    The average LATTE course backup is about 45MBs in size (course content, not student data) - but during the migration process courses were discovered that exceeded several Gigabytes in size. Extremely large courses (higher than several GBs) would tax the system for so long it would time out, and the process would then move on to the next course backup in line. 

  2. Use of Reserved Characters in a course title
    File system utilities and naming conventions on various systems prohibit particular characters from appearing in filenames or make them problematic. These are often referred to as “Reserved Characters,” and can be prohibited from being used as part of the name of a website url or a desktop file name. There are different types for different uses, but a common number of them are:

    !    #    $    &    '    (    )    *    +    ,    /    :    ;    =    ?    @    [    ]

    Since Moodle backup files confer the course title as part of the name of the backup file, those backup files resist attempts to automatically move, duplicate, or log them. Unfortunately with over 20,000 backup files to process, pre-emptive human troubleshooting of such errors is unavailable.

  3. The individual expecting the backup file did not have a Primary Instructor, Secondary Instructor, or Instructor course role in the particular LATTE course.
    If an individual was added to a course as a Grading TA, Academic Administrator, Guest, etc, they will not receive a backup file of the course as part of the automated migration, regardless of their actual participation in the class. This individual should reach out to the other participants in the course with Instructor-level access permissions to access a course backup file.

If a particular course was not moved over in an automated fashion, how can I access it in the New Moodle? I can still see it in LATTE. 

If a past LATTE course is exceedingly large, it is recommended that an instructor remove the large files (often these are direct video embeds into the course). Then it is a matter of the instructor downloading the course locally onto their computer and then uploading the backup file into BOX. Please contact with any questions or challenges with this process. 

External Resources