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Move from LATTE to Moodle 4

Beginning with the Fall 2024 semester, Brandeis will move from LATTE to Moodle 4. Please visit our Moodle 4 documentation. LATTE courses will be available through Fall 2024.


The design of any course shell is based on how the instructor wants to set it up.

There are lots of things to consider like topics, adding images and files to topics, Echo 360, and the Shell Banner.

All of these elements can be included in your course build before the term begins.

Various topic formats in LATTE

LATTE offers several course formats. Some are more accessible than others. Formats can be changed in the Administration block by selecting "Edit Settings" and opening the "Course format" menu option.

Collapsible Topics
Collapsible Topics is the most accessible course format offered in LATTE.

Topics display all the sections in a collapsible list by default

To show one section per page, change the format under the "course layout" setting


Topics is another course format offered in LATTE.

Everything that is loaded into the Topic will appear once this mode is selected.

To show one topic, it is helpful to make sure that all other topics are closed

Weekly Format

The weekly format is the last course format offered in LATTE.

In this format, instructors can load all materials that are needed for the course week.

This format looks almost like the topics format.

How to add images to topics

1. Navigate to the topic you want to delete, click Edit topic.

 IMPORTANT: Editing a topic is the best way to look at all of the options that are available to be added in the topic area.

A topic, with its Edit menu expanded, and the "Delete topic" option highlighted in red.

2. Then, click on the picture icon.


3. When you click on the picture icon, you will see this screen. Then, click Browse Repositories to find the image on your computer. Once you have found it, click on it and then click Save image.

4. Then, click Save Changes.

How to add files to topics

1. Click Add an Activity or Resource

2. Click File 


3. Then, this screen will come up.

4. Click the first brown square file item to attach your file. 


5. Click Choose File to find your file. Once you find it, click Upload this File.

6. Then, click Save and Return to course