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Move from LATTE to Moodle 4

Beginning with the Fall 2024 semester, Brandeis will move from LATTE to Moodle 4. Please visit our Moodle 4 documentation. LATTE courses will be available through Fall 2024.


Many faculty members reuse the same course materials from a previous iteration of the course. You have two options within LATTE to reuse previous course materials:

  1. Merge your previous course materials into the Fall 2021 Course using the import function
  2. Replace the current course entirely by restoring from the previous course 

Importing will keep the Fall 2021 formatting and merge your previous course materials into the course. Restoring will duplicate the previous LATTE course exactly and remove the Fall 2021 formatting. 


 IMPORTANT: The Import and Backup/Restore steps can only be completed in LATTE by the Instructor and Academic Administrator Roles. The Grading TA role can personalize the course after the import or restore process is complete.

Import from a previous course

As soon as you have access to your course

IMPORTANT: To import materials from one course to another, you must have Instructor status in both courses.

  1. Open your new course, and select Import in the Administration block.
  2. The 10 most recent courses you can import from will appear in a list. If the course you need is older, you can search for it by short or full name in the Search box. Select your course, then click Continue.
    List of previous courses to select in the import menu.
  3. On the Import Settings page (see below), you will select what to import. You may choose to select only Include activities and resources.
    1. If you have quizzes, also select Include question bank.
    2. If you have set dates for assignments, also select Include calendar events.
    3. If you set up groups, also select Include groups.
    4. Unselect Include blocks, as this will import unnecessary blocks from an older course.
    5. Click Next.
      Import settings with check boxes
  4. On the Schema Settings page, you will select exactly which materials will be imported. Some items will conflict with the Shell A and Spring 2021 LATTE Shells and must be unchecked at this stage.
    1. If the previous course used Shell A (Fall 2020) or Spring 20201 LATTE Shells:
      • Uncheck the entire banner, as shown below.
        Banner items with the boxes unchecked
      • Uncheck the Attendance activity.
      • Uncheck the Course News and Announcements forum.
      • The contents of the “Getting Started,” “Communications Center,” and “Course Resources” topics have been redesigned for the Fall 2021 LATTE Shell. If you did not customize these sections in your previous course, you can safely uncheck these, as well.
    2. For all other past courses:
      • Uncheck the Course News and Announcements forum.
      • Uncheck the Attendance activity (if used).
    3. After unchecking all unneeded items, click Next.
  5. On the Confirmation & Review page, you can review the materials you have selected. If you need to make changes, click the Previous button at the bottom of the page to move back. When you are satisfied with your selections, click Perform import.
  6. When the import is finished, you will receive an “Import Complete” confirmation. Click Continue to go to your new Fall 2021 course with imported materials.
  7. Click Turn Editing On, then scroll to the bottom of the course page to find the new Instructor Resources topic. This contains the template for a Welcome Message and Midcourse Evaluations. Click the crossed-arrows icon to its left, then click the top line in the “Move” dialog box to move this topic to the top of your course.
  8. Your import is complete! Continue to update and modify your materials for the semester ahead.

Note: Instructors should expect to see past inaccessible formats (such as Tiles or Grid) correctly appear as Collapsible Topics in the new shell.

External Resources