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Environmental Studies

A guide for starting your research in Environmental Studies.
Encyclopedias and other reference works can help you to gain an overview of your topic and to understand terminology and methods. Some are available online, and some are books in the library. Can't find what you're looking for? Contact a librarian!

Encyclopedias and other Reference Works

Handbooks and Research Methods

You can search for environmental studies research methods titles in OneSearch via keyword and subject heading searches. You'll find more results if you start with a keyword search (e.g., "environmental science" AND "research method*") then switch to a subject heading search if you need more specific results. Some of the subject headings for environmental studies research methods include:

  • Environmental management -- methodology
  • Environmental sampling
  • Environmental sciences -- methodology
  • Environmental sciences -- statistical methods

Titles from our Collection

Review Articles

A review article offers a summary and analysis of previously published literature on a given subject. Using a review article may help you narrow your research topic and inspire a wave of ideas for searching the literature. These articles feature extensive bibliographies, which may lead to important authors in your field of research.


If you need to find a subject-specific dictionary in OneSearch, try a keyword search for your discipline / topic and add "dictionaries" as one of your search terms.

Titles from our Collection