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The majority of materials in Brandeis Library are arranged by Library of Congress call numbers. Items related to environmental studies are located in different areas in the library.
GE1-350 – Environmental sciences
GF1-900 – Human ecology
QH – Biology
QK – Botany
QL – Zoology
QP1-345 – Physiology - General - Including influence of the environment
RA565-600 – Public health - Environmental health
S – Agriculture
TA170-171 – Environmental engineering
TD1-1066 – Environmental technology
TH6014-6081 – Building construction - Environmental engineering of buildings
K3581-3598 – Law in general - Environmental law
KB3127-3135 – Religious law in general - Environmental law
Note: Oversize materials (+ in front of the call number) are shelved separately from the regular sized materials.