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StoryMaps: Design a Dynamic and Spatially-Driven Narrative

Example Collections

Find your course number below. These lists include StoryMaps created by non-Brandeis authors. Use these examples to explore and observe different design options for your StoryMap. Make sure you also refer to the Course Materials page to make sure you have everything I distributed to your class. 

If you're interested in finding more StoryMaps:

FA 77B Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Latin American Art

The vast majority of these StoryMaps were authored by non-Brandeis students and are here to spark inspiration. They are not peer-reviewed (and not necessarily well-cited). Observe the different ways these authors create a virtual museum experience, especially with regards to the order and appearance of artworks.

CLAS 111 Archaeology Examples

The vast majority of these StoryMaps were authored by non-Brandeis students and are here to spark inspiration. They are not peer-reviewed (and not necessarily well-cited). I have not thoroughly vetted their archaeological/historical syntheses, nor the accuracy of any translations. Links marked with "MIT Project" were created by my MIT students and were vetted, but you should still refer to their bibliographies in lieu of citing the StoryMaps themselves. 

CLAS 121B: Ancient Languages/Teaching StoryMaps Examples

The vast majority of these StoryMaps were authored by non-Brandeis students and are here to spark inspiration. They are not peer-reviewed (and not necessarily well-cited). I have not thoroughly vetted their archaeological/historical syntheses, nor the accuracy of translations. 

StoryMaps about Antiquity + Ancient Languages

StoryMaps for Teaching about History/Ancient World

ENG 103B: Medieval Women in Print

FYI: These examples are intended to demonstrate a wide array of design options + approaches. The majority of these projects were created by students/non-professionals. These projects were not peer-reviewed.

Contemporary Studies about Gender + Rights

Mapping CEFM + FGM/C warning: sensitive content

Empowering Masaai Women


Historic/Ancient Women

Women on the Edge 

Joan of Arc: Patron Saint of Longwood Library ***professional project

Trials and Travels of Eleanor Rykener


Medieval Society

Living and Dying in the Late Medieval World

Collection of Middle Ages StoryMaps designed for 7th grade learners A collection is a page with links to related StoryMaps. Brandeis faculty often use them to showcase their class' projects. 

Medieval History + Archaeology

The Road to Agincourt

Su Camino del Rinascimento

London's Lost River: The Tyburn ***professional project