Try exploring the Library Catalog for books related to your topic. If Brandeis does not have a book you need, you can use WorldCat to search for books from other libraries and then request these books through Interlibrary Loan.
Search tip: Search for books by either Keywords or Subject Headings. Start with a Keyword search and identify some relevant books. Then look at the subject headings for those books. You can follow the subject heading links in the catalog to find similar books, or you can use the terms in the subject headings to identify other keywords to try.
Examples of Subject Headings:
Right to health -- United States -- History
Health services accessibility -- United States -- History
Health care rationing -- United States -- History
If Brandeis does not have the book you need, try looking for books from other libraries. WorldCat is a library catalog that contains millions of records for books and other materials held in libraries worldwide. Once you have located your item in WorldCat, use the Interlibrary Loan Form in OneSearch to request it from another library.